We are mandated by the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons (PACOTIP) Act 7 of 2013 to report any suspicion or knowledge of Human Trafficking, to the South African Police Services (SAPS).
We also encourage you to call the matter in to the Human Trafficking Hotline 0800 222 777 for accountability purposes: If you received assistance at station level and you have an enquiry number, OB number or CAS number, also share this with the Hotline Call Specialist who will then simply assist with follow up and ensure that the correct Provincial role players have been activated, in line with the PACOTIP Act and national Standard Operating Procedure for Integrated Assistance to Victims of Trafficking. If you were unable to obtain assistance at the station, please provide details to the Hotline Call Specialist including police station, name and rank of the officer you engaged with, and any other relevant details, along with details of your suspicion or knowledge of Human Trafficking.
The Salvation Army also have a Human Trafficking helpline on 08000 73728.