Freedom starts with you.

Fighting for freedom. Together.

S.A. united against trafficking.


About National Freedom Network

Where it all Began

The National Freedom Network (NFN) was formally launched in May 2011, with the aim to connect all the various counter-Trafficking organisations with one another as well as with other role players across the movement. It has since grown into South Africa’s counter-Trafficking network.

The NFN acts as a point of connection for anyone working in the counter-Trafficking field; as a channel of communication to ensure that interaction between sectors allows for the flow of information as well as the sharing of resources and best practices; and as a hub of much needed collaboration.

Official Government-driven counter-Trafficking structures have also since been established over the past decade, both at Provincial and National level, and we work closely with these.


All sectors of society united and organised to prevent and combat Trafficking in Persons.


To effectively fight Trafficking in Persons through strategic networking, collaboration and partnership.

Programme Areas


Networking is our core programme and revolves around building relationship with individuals, organisations and coalitions working against Human Trafficking and offering other relevant services. Referrals, connections and introductions are a big part of this space as it takes a network to fight a network.

Care & Support

We also act as a support centre, where Care & Support is offered as a service, particularly for our official members, the survivors and shelters. This care and support has many different levels and forms, and depends on current needs, situational context, as well as what we have available in terms of funds and capacity.


Advocacy shapes itself on different platforms, from active participation on Provincial Task Teams, representation on the National Inter-sectoral Committee for Trafficking in Persons and the National Rapid Response Task Team, and policy (re)formation, to acting as research gatekeeper for the Network and providing ad hoc information sessions to create awareness on the issue of Human Trafficking.

Capacity Building

Capacity Building involves sector specific training as well as sessions to upskill and strengthen the collective of members and sometimes also non-members across the Network.

Special Projects

Special Projects are periodically taken on. Due to our unique position and ‘bigger picture’ overview we are well positioned to identify who and what is already in place, as well as where the major gaps and challenges lie. When possible, we work to fill some of these gap areas by sourcing, creating or collaborating on solutions. Our strategic projects often have a specific focus and time frame, and can also include grant-funded opportunities or partnered projects.
“It is really a privilege to belong to this Network and to have access to the quality of info and skills and products that you bring to us.” – OM Freedom Challenge
“We are really grateful for the Network’s support over the last few years. Your encouragement and assistance in reaching Government departments and Civil Society has been so useful.” – Stronger Together
“Thank you for your generosity and your time.” – Shelter
“The support that I received, and meeting this fantastic Network that NFN has enabled and gotten together, is absolutely phenomenal.” – Adv. Liechen Strydom
“It was through the NFN we got connected and started learning the SA landscape. Collaboration and bringing so many different individuals and organizations together, is no small thing!” – A21 South Africa
“You guys took us under your wing and started training us little by little… thank you for giving us the chance and the wings to fly.” – Freedom Generation
“Thank you so much for everything that you do! You guys are absolutely amazing and (we) can’t imagine doing this without you!” – Shattering Shackles
“The partnership is amazing, we learn so much and we don’t feel so lonely out there, because of it.” – UCEC

Board Members

Diane Wilkinson

Founding Director and CEO

Diane first learned about Human Trafficking in 2009, right after returning to South Africa. She joined a local organisation working on the ground but soon realised that a much more strategic ‘bigger picture’ response was needed to achieve any kind of tangible change.

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Marina Reyneke

Founding Director and Operations Manager

Marina has been volunteering with the NFN since January 2014. She has been involved in community work for the past 25 years and is well connected to a large network of people, many of which, just like herself, are dedicated to fighting injustices related to poverty, gender inequality, racism and human trafficking.

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Adv. Palesa Mafisa


Palesa is an advocate based in Johannesburg. She obtained her LLB and LLM degrees at UFS and was admitted as an advocate at the age of 24 and has also been admitted to the Johannesburg Bar, where she currently holds Chambers.

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Dr. Amanda van der Westhuizen

Director and Research Coordinator

Amanda is a Counselling Psychologist with 13 years Diverse Private Clinical Practice experience and 7 years of teaching psychology in Higher Education. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology.

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