The National Freedom Network was born out of an evident need to bring together the various stakeholders in South Africa, who work in the sphere of counter-trafficking, to form a more united front against human trafficking. By uniting in knowledge, experience and understanding, as well as sharing resources and being able to easily access services provided by Network partners, the National Freedom Network is a vehicle through which the gaps can be closed.
Prior to the development of the Network, a number of organizations were working in isolation. Those in the field began to understand the need to link together. Due to the very nature of human trafficking, it requires a multifaceted approach in combating it and no one organization is equipped to deal with all the facets that make up a single trafficking case or scenario. Multiple stakeholders providing their individual and specific services are all needed to confront human trafficking, and the more that work together, the higher the likelihood of success.
To read our Mission statement click here.
~Melanie Doucakis